Dilated cardiomyopathy
General: Characterized by progressive cardiac dilation with systolic dysfunction. Findings associated with AMI, infective endocarditis, and/or hypertensive changes are usually NOT found. There are many associated "causes," including:
- Myocarditis, typically viral
- Alcohol use
- Chemotherapy
- Genetic predisposition; familial cases usually present at 20-50 years of age, and are usually (~90%) autosomal dominant, but may be X-linked (5~10%), autosomal recessive, or mitochondrial, and have variable penetrance.
Gross: Ventricular dilation without evidence of AMI, infective endocarditis, or HT.
Differential Diagnosis:
- Positive:
- Negative:
- Suggested, focused panel:
(Lefkowitch: AP Board Review)
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